One of the easiest ways for small business owners to encourage customers to pay their bills on time is to offer financial incentives. You can offer early payment discounts to customers who pay their invoices before the due date. For example, you could offer a 2% discount to customers who render payment within 10 days of the invoice date. From having to pay for utilities, vendors, and employees to investing in new avenues to expand the business, small business owners have many expenses. In such case, it is critical to keep track of your cash flow needs before determining the payment terms that work best for your business and your customers.

However, long-duration complex projects might make it unpractical to allow shorter payment terms, so consider accepting payments in milestones instead. The most critical focus of a business should be its consistent cash flow. And one of the primary factors that impact your cash flow is your invoice payment terms. Payment terms define how, when, and by which method your customers make payments to your business.

  1. This invoice would be due within the first 10 days of the next month, so the invoice due date would be May 10th.
  2. This will help to demonstrate to your customer that prompt payment is important to your business.
  3. They’ll generally communicate better, get back to you more quickly and be more thorough in their feedback.
  4. Your clients will need to know in advance that payment is due immediately, ensuring a smooth transaction and a smooth relationship for the future.
  5. Applicable monthly account fee applies for the Lili Pro, Lili Smart, and Lili Premium plans.

Organizations with a high percentage of high-risk transactions would likely want to use this to deter intentional delays. The payment terms included on the invoice must match the ones in the contract. B2C and eCommerce businesses have a “Terms and Conditions” page instead of a contract. Payment terms define when you get paid—at least regarding accounts receivable (AR). For accounts payable, payment terms usually refer to paying vendors and suppliers. There are many more abbreviations that could be used, but you should consider if your customer will understand them.

Late payments are a major contributor to cash flow problems, and anything you can do to limit these is helpful. You know your clients better than anyone, but in general, it’s a good idea to charge a late fee. Late fees disincentivize late payment, which is important to every part of your business.

Download the free invoice template

Longer payment terms such as Net 60 or Net 90 may be necessary in certain business scenarios. Here’s when they’re suitable, a sample template, and advice on ensuring compliance. These payment terms might not be as commonly used as their 7, 14, or 30-day counterparts, but in certain scenarios, they can be very useful. A 7-day payment term, although short, can be very effective in certain contexts. Here’s a closer look at its appropriateness, a sample template, and some tips for enforcing these terms. Often the key to getting paid on time and without hassle is to make it as easy as possible for your customer to pay.

Partial payment

When discussing payment terms, we refer to the conditions that dictate when and how payments should be made. The more options you give clients for submitting their invoice payments, the more likely they are to pay their invoices on time. When clients have the option of choosing a payment method that’s most convenient for them, they can make the payment easily and quickly. To get paid faster by your clients, your business should consider shortening the payment period on your invoices. While a 30-day billing period used to be common practice, technology has enabled clients to pay their bills much more quickly through online payments and direct transfers.


If a client is honestly having difficulty paying you but is otherwise communicating well and keeps you up to date on their financial situation, it’s okay to give them a break and waive the fee. This way, even if the customer’s invoice was sent on the last day of the current month, they’d still have 15 days to pay. The downside to this payment term is that it can be overly generous for invoices generated at the beginning of the month, which can be problematic for cash flow. Having the right payment terms in place goes a long way in establishing clear business expectations and formalizing your invoicing process and credit conditions for your customers. Enter your own custom payment terms or choose to save them as default so they’ll automatically be applied to all future invoices.

Make sure your invoice goes straight to the person who makes payment to avoid getting lost in someone else’s inbox. That will probably be different from the person who ordered the work. If you’re unsure exactly who’s in charge of accounts, give them a call – it pays to know the person paying the bills. Getting this sorted upfront means that there’s no confusion down the track. It also sets the client’s expectations around payment before you start the work. Explore your possibilities by breaking down desirable outcomes in an Excel invoice template and assign them discounts as you see fit.

Payment terms are an agreement that outlines how, when, and by what method your customers or clients provide payment to your business. If a business offers their customers the option to pay over time, the benefit is that they are more likely to get paid in full, since customers can spread out the cost of the purchase. The downside is that businesses may have to wait longer to receive payment, which can put them at a disadvantage if they need the money right away. Different businesses will offer different payment terms to their customers. Some businesses may require full payment upfront, while others may give their customers the option to pay over time.

Including late fee conditions within your invoice payment terms will let clients know they will be charged an extra fee for late payment. Charging late fees is good for businesses because it leads to a higher percentage of paid invoices, according to a FreshBooks study. It is important to note that invoice payment terms are not the same as credit terms. Credit terms refer to the common invoice payment terms length of time a customer has to pay an invoice, while invoice payment terms refer to the specific conditions under which an invoice must be paid. For example, a common credit term is “net 30,” which means that an invoice must be paid within 30 days of receipt. Invoice payment terms are important because they set the expectation for when a customer must pay their invoices.

However, if you mainly supply your products or services to other businesses, there are several abbreviations that you can use within your payment terms. Therefore, invoice payment terms can support your business’s cash flow, support you with disputes, and keep your invoices compliant in the eyes of HMRC. HMRC might also use this information to check that your invoices are compliant and that your payment terms are within the law. For instance, in the UK, late fees for B2B transactions can be charged up to 8% of the total due, plus the Bank of England’s base rate for B2B sales. Even small overdue penalties, such as a late fee of 2% interest per month, can give clients added incentive to pay their invoices on time. Just be sure to discuss your late fee policy with clients upfront and be polite but firm when enforcing the penalties.

We also included three professional templates that you can use—with one being for when payment is past due. You may have made your first invoices in a standard software package like Microsoft Word. Maybe you even had to search the internet for tips on how to make an invoice. Getting started with freelancing can be particularly hard for people with no previous experience.